Final School session

Today was my final teaching session in the school, and it was just as I hoped. By the end of the session we had everything finished, bar the velcro-ing of the capes onto the T-shirts which we have decided would be better done on the week of the procession.
Todays tasks were;
Finishing sticking the circles on the end of the cable ties and glittering them.
Cutting the slug trail
Attatching the cable tie bases to the capes
Having the children try on the costumes
Having seen how the Giant Slug costume behaved once we put it on the children, we decided it would be better to see what the weather will be like on the day as it is a very quick and easy job to attach (with a stapler) – if it isn’t windy, the trail would hang down and be a tripping hazard, as well as being not very visible and not adding anything to the costume, and if it is too windy then it would blow about and potentially destroy the look of the costume as well as potentially hitting the children in the procession behind it.
So without further ado – here are some photo’s from todays session and of the finished costumes!


The back of the sea slug where, mirroring the real life sea slug, we have a cluster of ‘tentacles’. As a design decision I decided that it would be more effective to put them on the headpiece of the last child in the slug as this would add height and also be more like the real life sea slugs.


Looking back on the last month since my first session, so much has happened it seems like its been far longer, and sometimes it seems like its only been a few days. It has been an amazing experience. I have learned to use a variety of materials and skills that I may otherwise never have learnt. Also, I have had the incredible, unique opportunity to work with a group of people that has been a wonderful experience and a wonderful adventure, and I will miss working with them.
In hindsight, if I had to change anything, I would have waited a few more days before my sessions started in the schools to give me more time to start my preparatory work, preventing some of the rush. Asside from that, I think on the whole it has gone really well. We haven’t had any real hiccups, and everything has been finished in time and looking as intended, with the children happy and enthusiastic about their costumes.
With the costumes stacked together they created a vivid and striking effect, I am incredibly looking forward to seeing them all on together, as I believe the effect will be truly brilliant.
Having not heard anything back about my dance leaders, I am going to make a prototype of the dance leader headress while waiting for confirmation on whether they will be making theirs or whether I will be making them.

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